Dragon Ball Super Episode 5 Summary | “The Ultimate Fight on King Kai’s Planet! Goku vs. the God of Destruction Beerus”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 5 Title

The Ultimate Fight on King Kai’s Planet! Goku vs. the God of Destruction Beerus

Dragon Ball Super Episode 5 Original Air Date

Japan: August 9, 2015

United States: February 4, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 5 Highlights
  • Beerus and Whis arrive on King Kai’s planet
  • Beerus questions Goku about Super Saiyan God, but Goku doesn’t have any information to offer
  • Goku asks Beerus if he can show off a bit of his power
  • Goku and Beerus have an exhibition fight
  • Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 3, but even that is effortlessly neutralized by Beerus
  • Beerus and Whis depart King Kai’s planet for Earth
Dragon Ball Super Episode 5 Plot Summary

On the last episode of Dragon Ball Super, Beerus the God of Destruction and Whis had just arrived on King Kai’s planet. We pick up where we left off as King Kai greets to two powerful figures. Goku peers out from King Kai’s hut, and notices that he cannot detect their energy. Goku also notices that King Kai is extremely intimidated by Beerus and Whis.

King Kai tries to keep Beerus in a good mood by making small talk, apologizing for the small size of his planet, and offering him food. Beerus warns King Kai that if the food isn’t delicious, he’ll shrink his tiny planet even further, but then decides that he doesn’t wish to eat at all. King Kai asks what business Beerus has on his planet. Beerus responds, “I have some business with that Saiyan over there.” Despite Goku hiding, Beerus knew of his presence the entire time.

King Kai instructs Goku to come out of hiding and come meet Beerus. Goku rushes out, excited to meet Beerus, and King Kai slaps him in the back of the head and demands that, as a grown man, he should be able to properly introduce himself to Beerus. Goku gives it another try, and awkwardly introduces himself to Beerus. Beerus and Whis ask Goku if he has ever heard of a Super Saiyan God, but both Goku and King Kai tell Beerus they have not.

Beerus suggests that since King Kai and Goku lack any useful information, he and Whis should make a trip to Earth to ask Vegeta. Goku can no longer contain his curiosity and excitement, and asks Beerus if he would mind displaying his great power by having a quick sparring session. Beerus is intrigued, explaining that he has never been asked that question before. Beerus agrees to entertain Goku’s wish, and King Kai grows concerned. However, it’s too late – nothing can hold back Goku now. Beerus asks Goku if he’s sure, and he says yes.

Goku immediately goes Super Saiyan, explaining it would be disrespectful to a God of Destruction not to. He then launches an assault on Beerus but cannot land a punch as Beerus effortlessly teleports out of the path of Goku’s punches.

Beerus tells Goku he’s pretty good, but that he’s ultimately disappointed. In response, Goku goes Super Saiyan 2. Goku still cannot land a punch. Beerus tells Goku to reveal his full power, or he won’t show Goku the power of a God of Destruction. Goku transforms in Super Saiyan 3. Beerus tells Goku to show him the power of Super Saiyan 3. Goku and Beerus levitate into the air as they prepare for their battle.

Goku unleashes a barrage of punches on Beerus as Super Saiyan 3, which Beerus blocks using only the palm of his hand. Then Goku releases a massive Kamehameha at Beerus, which doesn’t even faze him.

Despite inflicting no harm on him, Beerus is nonetheless impressed with Goku’s abilities. In particular, he is intrigued by the fact that even though Goku cannot sense a God’s energy, he was able to anticipate and avoid one of Beerus’ attacks. He wonders if it’s possible Goku is still concealing that he is, in fact, the Super Saiyan God from the dream.

Goku unleashes another massive Kamehaha, this time blowing a hole clear through the other side of King Kai’s planet. Beerus still doesn’t have a scratch, and then decides to retaliate against Goku. Beerus lightly flicks Goku in the face, and Goku goes spiraling backwards, devastated by the blow. As Goku hurls backwards, Beerus appears behind him and inflicts a light release of God Ki, knocking him to the ground where he lies unconscious.

While Goku lies unconscious, Beerus and Whis hastily say their good byes and depart for Earth.

Dragon Ball Super episode 5 ends with King Kai telepathically communicating with Vegeta to warn him of the Beerus The God of Destruction’s arrival, and Goku wondering if he can train to become the Super Saiyan God Beerus spoke of.

Which Characters Appear In Dragon Ball Super Episode 5?

Dragon Ball Super episode 5 primarily revolves around Goku, Beerus, and Whis.