Dragon Ball Super Episode 40 Summary | “At Last, It Comes To And End! Is The Winner Beerus? Or Is It Champa?”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 40 Title

The Advanced “Time-Skip” Fights Back?! Will It Come Forth? Goku’s New Technique!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 40 Original Air Date

Japan: April 24, 2016

United States: November 11, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 40 Highlights
  • Hit is able to extend his Time-Skip to avoid Goku’s Kamehameha
  • Goku determines his King Kai Fist technique will not last much longer, and jumps out of bounds
  • Hit throws his match with Monaka
  • Universe 7 is declared the winner of the Tournament
  • Zeno the Omni King appears on the fighting stage
Dragon Ball Super Episode 40 Summary

The last episode of Dragon Ball Super ended with Goku having just launched a massive Kamehameha at Hit using his Super Saiyan Blue form combined with the King Kai Fist x 10 technique.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 40 begins with the massive Kamehameha detonating and throwing back everyone in the arena. So much power is released, in fact, that Whis and Vados have to intervene to protect the occupants of the arena not participating in the fight.

As the smoke clears, neither Hit or Goku are anywhere to be seen. Then we spot them, each on opposite sides of the fighting stage, perched atop Champa & Beerus’ portraits. Goku tells Hit is really is amazing. Hit explains he was able to survive Goku’s blast by extending his Time-Skip even further to avoid Goku’s attack.

Hit promises to advance even more. Goku seems surprised by this. We then see Goku’s arm is twitching, and he hovers to the middle of the stages and reaches out his fist towards Hit. Hit, confused at first, then cracks a smile. The Universe 6 Supreme Kai jumps back in surprise that Hit smiled. Universe 7 Supreme Kai exclaims, “That’s what’s so great about Goku!”

Back in the middle of the stage, Hit joins Goku and reciprocates his fist bump. Then the two return to their respective sides and assume their fighting stances again. Goku appears to be breaking down under the strain of his powered up state.

Back in the seating area, Champa tells Hit to just run away for a while. Cabba interjects and tells Champa that would hurt Hit’s pride. Champa snaps at Cabba and tells him they are all just pawns in the game between Beerus and himself. Hit and Goku overhear this and both shoot Champa an angry look. Champa, startled, falls back onto the couch.

Hit and Goku attack each other once again. This time, Hit’s Time-Skip has advanced even further, and he unleashes dozens of punches on Goku’s vital chest area. Goku is instantly incapacitated and falls towards the fighting stage as his aura disappears. But then, amazingly, the aura returns just long enough to land a massive strike to Hit’s face, sending him flying backwards and destroying Champa’s portrait.

Hit falls to the ground and is now badly damaged. However, Goku has run out of stamina and is breathing very heavily. Goku then turns to Beerus and requests for him to remove all of the rules of the match. Goku explains that Hit is holding back because all of his moves are killing blows, since he is an assassin. Hit asks Goku if he is afraid to die, but Goku says he won’t get hit next time.

Champa is ready to oblige Goku and remove the rules, but Beerus flies to the stage and begins arguing with his brother, Champa.

While Beerus and Champa are arguing, Goku nonchalantly walks to the end of the fighting stage and jumps down to the out of bounds area, ending the match in favor of Hit. Hit is declared the winner. Goku powers down and his entire body bulges with cramps. Indeed, layering King Kai Fist with Super Saiyan Blue has been taxing on his body. He falls back and winces in pain, but he’s ok.

The final fighter of Universe 7 is Monaka.

Beerus is extremely angry at Goku, but Goku explains the King Kai Fist was about to run out of time anyway.

He descends to the stage to fight Hit. Monaka’s teeth are chattering and he is sweating profusely. He appears to be extremely nervous. He approaches Hit, and his sweating and fear intensify. Hit appears to understand what is going on, and that Monaka is terrified.

The gong is rung, and Monaka charges at Hit. Monaka throws a punch at Hit and strikes him in the leg… nothing happens. Hit looks down at Monaka. Monaka slowly opens his eyes and meets Hit’s gaze. Then, Hit screams out in feigned pain and throws himself backwards out of the fighting stage, throwing the match to Monaka. Monaka is declared the winner, as is Universe 7.

Hit returns to the seating area and tells Champa he no longer requires the Cube, and to let him return home. Champa is extremely angry at Hit, and powers up an orb of Destruction Energy. It appears Champa may just kill Hit, rather than let him go home. The other members of the Universe 6 team try to defend Hit, and Champa threatens to destroy all of them. Goku notices and becomes extremely concerned, but Beerus warns Goku to just mind his own business.

Champa continues to freak out and challenges all the fighters to do their best to survive by fighting him. Then, Vados points down to the stage. Champa looks down and is suddenly shocked and terrified. Beerus looks down and is also terrified. There are two tall slender figures and a tiny child-like being on the fighting stage.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 40 ends with Beerus and Champa sweating profusely with fear, and declaring they both recognize the tiny figure below to be Zeno the Omni King.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 40?

Dragon Ball Super Episode 40 concludes the fight between Hit and Goku. Hit and Monaka also have their fight. Zeno the Omni King, as well as his two attendants, is shown for the first time.