Dragon Ball Super Episode 39 Summary | “The Advanced “Time-Skip” Fights Back?! Will It Come Forth? Goku’s New Technique!”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 39 Title

The Advanced “Time-Skip” Fights Back?! Will It Come Forth? Goku’s New Technique!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 39 Original Air Date

Japan: April 17, 2016

United States: November 4, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 39 Highlights
  • Goku has learned how to circumvent Hit’s Time-Skip technique
  • Hit reveals that he has improved his Time-Skip ability during the fight
  • Hit deals a massive blow to Goku, almost incapacitating him
  • Goku reveals he has one more technique in his arsenal
  • Goku powers up using the Kaio Ken x 10 technique layered on top of Super Saiyan Blue
  • Goku launches a massive Kamehameha at Hit
Dragon Ball Super Episode 39 Summary

The last episode of Dragon Ball Super ended with Goku having learned how to negate Hit’s Time-Skip technique.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 39 begins with Goku transforming into Super Saiyan Blue. Hit warns Goku that now that he knows Goku’s tactics, he may choose to move more unpredictably to subvert Goku’s efforts. Goku isn’t concerned, insisting that Hit’s reflexes cannot be changed so easily.

Goku attack Hit head on with an assault of punches and kicks as Super Saiyan Blue, and Hit appears to be effectively blocking Goku’s attacks. Finally, Goku lands a powerful kick to Hit’s midsection, and Hit cries out in pain. Goku follows up with an uppercut to Hit’s chin, sending him backwards.

Goku encourages Hit to use his Time-Skip. Hit complies, and lunges forward at Goku. We see the environment take on luminescent colors, indicating that Hit has entered his Time-Skip realm. However, Goku negates the Time-Skip technique once again and drives his fist deep into Hit’s stomach, and then follows up by kicking him backwards. Hit is now lying in a crater, and has taken on substantial damage. Then, Hit smiles.

Vegeta spectates with an angry look on his face. Internally, he realizes Goku used the previous match to study Hit’s fighting style.

Back on the fighting stage, Hit slowly gets to his feet. Hit begins to shake, and then lets out a mighty scream. Purple ki begins to release from Hit’s body, and it appears he is powering up. The entire arena begins to shake. Goku points out that Hit yells out when he powers up, as well.

Goku and Hit each ready their fighting stances, and begin attacking each other once again. They land several punches on each other, and Hit seems to successfully use Time-Skip this time. However, Goku notices that despite yelling and releasing ki, Hit’s power has not risen substantially. Back in the seating area, Champa notices the same thing.

Goku knocks Hit back, and now Goku goes in for the final blow. However, just as he is about to strike, we see Hit’s purple energy release from Goku’s back. It appears Hit’s Time-Skip is effective once again, and Goku falls to his knees.

Goku appears to be extremely damaged. Just as the referee is about to call the match for Hit, Goku insists he can keep fighting.

Hit then concedes that when he had been yelling before, it was not to transform or power up as a Saiyan would, after all. Hit tells Goku the only way for him to get stronger is to get better, which he just did in the short time since the beginning of the match. Hit has the ability of extreme adaptation. Hit also concedes he has never needed to advance himself until facing Goku. Now Hit has increased his Time-Skip ability from .1 seconds to .2 seconds, doubling the technique’s capabilities.

Goku is still damaged, and Hit commands him to hurry and get up. Hit tells Goku he let him get up as payment for helping him advance his Time-Skip ability. Hit also ominously cautions Goku there will not be a next time.

Then Hit reveals a new fighting stance to Goku. He tells Goku this stance brings out his full potential as a fighter.

Goku realizes he can only withstand a few more strikes from Hit. However, he is confident that is all he will need. He believes that he can anticipate Hit’s moves at .2 seconds and beyond.

Then Hit tells Goku he is misreading the situation. Suddenly, Hit is striking Goku over and over again in his Time-Skip state. Hit tells Goku he continues to improve, and Goku falls to the ground. Then Hit reveals he has already lengthened his Time-Skip to .5 seconds.

Hit asks the referee if killing is considered a foul. The referee confirms that it is a foul. Hit points out that Goku is so damaged that he cannot even give up if he wants to.

Then, to Hit’s surprise, Goku is suddenly back on his feet again. Goku tells Hit he is not finished just yet.

Goku explains that he has something else to reveal. Goku insists he wasn’t hiding the technique or anything, but that he had been trying to wait until it was more polished so he could unveil it while fighting Beerus next time. In the seating area, Beerus looks shocked and asks Whis what Goku is talking about. Whis has no idea.

Then, Goku begins to power up again. This time, Goku’s Super Saiyan Blue aura is surrounded by an additional red aura. Goku tells Hit the technique is incomplete, and only has a 10% chance of succeeding. Goku also tells Hit that the technique could be very damaging to his own body. Goku takes his power even higher, and the entire arena begins to shake.

Champa urges Hit to eliminate Goku while he still can, but Hit just stares with an expression of shock. Then Hit finds some composure, and tell Goku that the stronger Goku becomes, the stronger he becomes, as well.

Goku’s aura momentarily disappears. Then, Goku screams out, “KING KAI FIST!”, and his Super Saiyan Blue & Kaio Ken auras simultaneously emanate further out than before. Goku declares that he has successfully added the King Kai Fist technique to his Super Saiyan Blue transformation. Then, faster than Hit can see, Goku begins to move around the fighting stage.

Beerus seems hilariously alarmed by the speed of Goku’s new technique, but maintains he is not. (He definitely is.)

Vegeta reminisces to his first encounter with the King Kai Fist technique, all the way back in the Saiyan Saga of Dragon Ball Z. Vegeta knows all too well that the King Kai Fist strengthens your power level, but also drains your stamina.

Hit seems very alarmed as Goku’s power continues to swell, and the fighting stage begins to be torn apart beneath him. Hit can detect that Goku’s power has multiplied tenfold.

Goku attacks Hit and lands two powerful blows. Hit tries to use Time-Skip but Goku is too fast. Goku tells Hit he is far beyond the Time-Skip technique at this point.

Goku pummels Hit further, and then realizes his immense power will not last much longer. He says it is time to end the fight. Goku teleports to the fighting stage and powers up a massive Kamehameha.

As Dragon Ball Super Episode 39 ends, Goku has just fired the devastating Kamehameha attack at Hit, who is using all of his energy to attempt to deflect the blast.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 39?

Dragon Ball Super Episode 39 focuses on the battle between Hit and Goku.