Dragon Ball Super Episode 38 Summary | “The Ultimate Warrior Of Universe 6! Assassin Hit Appears!!”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 38 Title

Don’t Forget Your Saiyan Pride! Vegeta Vs The Saiyan of Universe 6

Dragon Ball Super Episode 38 Original Air Date

Japan: April 10, 2016

United States: October 21, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 38 Highlights
  • Vegeta and Hit square off
  • Vegeta cannot land a single blow on Hit
  • Hit ends the match against Vegeta with a series of surgical strikes
  • The Galactic King tells Goku he has heard of a technique called Time-Skip
  • Goku and Hit begin their match
  • Goku is able to quickly learn how to predict Hit’s movements to negate the Time-Skip
Dragon Ball Super Episode 38 Summary

The last episode of Dragon Ball Super ended with Vegeta having just defeated Cabba by transforming into a Super Saiyan Blue. Vegeta’s next and final opponent was revealed to be the Legedary Assassin of Universe 6, Hit.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 38 begins with Vegeta and Hit standing in front of one another, preparing to face off. Vegeta remarks that Hit is so calm that it’s creepy. Vegeta also notices that Hit is adept at hiding his intensely sharp energy. “He’s strong,” Vegeta says. Vegeta also says he doesn’t care, and he will win.

Whis tells the group that Hit is known as “Hit the Infallible”.

Champa and Beerus ring the gong, and the match between Vegeta and Hit begins.

Vegeta, sensing Hit’s strength, immediately transforms into his Super Saiyan Blue form. Hit is still just as calm as ever, but now assumes a unique fighting stance.

Vegeta assesses the situation, and after a minute, realizes that he has no openings by which to attack Hit. Vegeta, realizing that the match is going nowhere, takes a step forward. As soon as he takes a step, Hit zig zags forward at an impressive speed, and is able to strike Vegeta in the face without giving him a chance to react. Vegeta is knocked to the ground.

Vegeta recovers and realizes he could not even see Hit’s movement. Hit tells Vegeta to give up.

Vegeta powers up and attempts to strike Hit again, but Hit is way too fast. He disappears and reappears, striking Vegeta yet again. Vegeta can’t even see Hit’s attacks. In the seating area, Piccolo & Goku remark they cannot see Hit’s attacks either. Vegeta begins to suspect there is a technique at play.

Hit rushes forward and lands several more blows on Vegeta at will. Vegeta is completely powerless to avoid Hit’s attacks.

Vegeta creates some distance, realizing he cannot fight Hit in close quarters. Vegeta powers up an attack, and Hit places his hands in his pockets, showing zero concern. Vegeta becomes angered that Hit would underestimate him, but before Vegeta can even finish his sentence, Hit is at an extremely close distance, and lands a powerful blow on Vegeta.

Vegeta is on his knees, bleeding and regrouping. A few moments later, he stands back up, and Hit coolly taunts him by asking if Vegeta has gotten his plan together. Vegeta smiles and powers up. Vegeta tells Hit he’ll just attack head-on, and then he does.

Vegeta rushes forward as Hit continues to stand still. Hit lands a blow to Vegeta’s stomach, but Vegeta is actually able to take control of Hit’s wrist. This clearly inspire a bit of surprise in Hit. Vegeta throws a punch with his free hand, but Hit quickly circumvents this by using his other hand to sink a punch deep into Vegeta’s stomach. Vegeta reverts to his base form and falls to the ground. Their match is over, and Vegeta has lost to The Legendary Assassin Hit.

Hit tells Vegeta he is the first opponent to survive his attacks.

Back in the seating area, Goku tries to figure out what the key to Hit’s attack is. Then, the Galactic King says he has heard rumors of a technique called “time-skip”, which Hit may be utilizing.

Goku will be Hit’s next opponent. Goku descends to the stage, the gong is rung, and the match begins.

Hit tells Goku that he forgot to transform, and Goku responds by saying it wears down his stamina, and he will save it for later. Hit tells Goku revealing his tactics reveals his young age, and Goku tells Hit he’s older than he looks. To Goku’s shock, Hit reveals he is over 1,000 years old.

Goku attempts to attack hit four times, and is immediately pushed back by Hit each time. Just like during Vegeta’s match, Goku could not even detect Hit’s movement. Hit warns Goku that even though he is strong, he will die if he continues taking strikes in his vital points. Hit recommends that Goku give up. Goku laughs and tells him he would never give up.

Goku claims he has already found a hint of how to fight Hit. Hit tells Goku he is bluffing. Goku challenges Hit to try attacking. Hit tells Goku to come. Goku charges in and, this time, he is able to block Hit’s punch. Hit is shocked.

Then, Goku tells Hit he knows of the Time-Skip attack. Goku throws a spinning back fist and actually grazes Hit’s face. Hit is taken completely off-guard, but maintains that it was a fluke. Clearly, Hit is not used to be hit.

Goku goes in for another attack. Hit throws a kick, but Goku blocks it yet again, proving that it was not a fluke, after all.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 38 ends with Goku explaining to Hit how he was able to circumvent the Time-Skip technique, and telling Hit he intends to go all-out.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 38?

In Dragon Ball Super Episode 38, we get to see Hit fight for the first time. Vegeta and Goku each take on Hit in Dragon Ball Super Episode 38.