Dragon Ball Super Episode 35 Summary | “Turn Rage Into Strength! Vegeta’s Full-On Battle”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 35 Title

Turn Rage Into Strength! Vegeta’s Full-On Battle

Dragon Ball Super Episode 35 Original Air Date

Japan: March 20, 2016

United States: September 30, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 35 Highlights
  • Vegeta allows Frost to use his poison needles in their match
  • Vegeta promptly eliminates Frost
  • Frost attempts to steal Champa’s treasure and Cube, until Hit intervenes
  • Magetta will challenge Vegeta next
  • Magetta heats up the fighting area to very hot temperatures
Dragon Ball Super Episode 35 Summary

The last episode of Dragon Ball Super Ended with Frost’s true nature being exposed when Jaco calls him out for using a weapon. Vegeta descends to the stage to fight Frost.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 35 begins with Vegeta & Frost moments from squaring off. Frost asks Vegeta if he thinks of him as a pathetic being who relies on dirty tricks to win fights. Frost laughs, and says he doesn’t mind that characterization because it’s true.

Frost then goes on to say that his poison needles are his greatest weapon, and will use them without reservation during his fight with Vegeta. Vegeta looks stoic and completely focused without concern.

The referee is astonished that Frost is showing no regard for the rules of the tournament, and threatens to disqualify him again. Frost defers to Vegeta, and Vegeta says no disqualifications. Vegeta says a disqualification is too lenient of a punishment for Frost’s actions.

Champa rings the gong, and the match begins.

Vegeta immediately powers up to his Super Saiyan form, and Frost begins to rush towards him. Frost says, “Cheating and murder… welcome to my territory!”

Without hesitation, Vegeta strikes Frost several times, not even giving him an opportunity to process that he has just been pummeled. Frost flies up and smashes up against the dome, shattering it, and falls to the ground. He has already lost the match with Vegeta. Vegeta assures Frost that he held back, and nonchalantly begins to walk back towards the spectator stands.

Back in the seating area, we see Beerus inspecting Goku. Goku thinks Beerus believes Goku may be able to return to the competition, given he may have lost to Frost on disqualifying circumstances. Then, Beerus confirms his suspicions when he finds a tiny puncture wound on Goku’s palm, undoubtedly inflicted by Frost’s poison needle. Beerus asserts that Goku should be able to reenter the match, and Champa apathetically tells him to do whatever he wants.

Goku says he will fight again after Monaka, and Beerus breaks out in a sweat and tells him no. Then Whis implies that just the sight of Goku’s Kamehameha made Monaka pass out before. Beerus rushes over to Whis and tells him to be quiet. In the background we see Goku wandering over to Monaka, and asks him to spar after the tournament. Beerus panics and inserts himself between Goku & Monaka, telling Goku not to talk to Monaka. Goku presses the issue and starts inspecting Monaka, and Beerus slaps Goku, sending him hurtling into the ground behind.

Beerus explains to Goku that anyone who disturbs Monaka when he’s concentrating will be instantly turned to ash.

Below, Vados suddenly creates a cube-shaped barrier above the fighting stage. Beerus rushes over, exclaiming he didn’t authorize any changes. Champa laughs and explains it would be dangerous if another fighter hit the exterior dome and broke it. The cube barrier will also serve as an aerial ring out.

While Champa and Beerus continue to argue, we see Frost creeping away below. Then we see where Frost went – there’s a massive pile of golden treasure, and beside it, Champa’s transportation cube. It appears that Frost intends to steal the treasure and escape by using the Cube. Just as Frost reaches out to touch the Cube, we hear a new voice tell him not to try it.

The voice’s identity is revealed, and we are formally introduced to the purple fighter from Universe 6. His name is Hit, and he is the Legendary Assassin of Universe 6. Beams of energy begin to radiate from Frost’s body, and he falls to the ground. Without moving a muscle, Hit has incapacitated Frieza, citing that the Cube was promised to him.

Back on the fighting stage, Vegeta’s next Universe 6 challenger is revealed to be the huge robot, Auta Magetta.

The match begins, and Magetta immediately begins lumbering toward Vegeta. Vegeta evades Magetta’s first attack as his massive robotic fist smashes a huge hole in the fighting stage. Vegeta remarks that Magetta is powerful but too slow. Then Magetta begins throwing strikes faster, and Vegeta still has no issues evading. Vegeta’s arms are nonchalantly crossed as he continues to effortlessly evade Magetta.

Vegeta rains down several kicks on Magetta’s head, and sound waves begin to emanate and hurt everyone’s ears. Magetta appears to be undamaged.

Magetta rushes Vegeta again, and this time he appears to be not only faster, but stronger, as well. This surprises Vegeta. Vegeta slides between Magetta’s legs, and decides that avoiding close combat may be a better strategy.

Vegeta realizes the real reason Champa created the aerial barrier – because Magetta is not good at aerial combat. In response, Vegeta decides that fighting from above is the best strategy. He begins assaulting Magetta with a volley of ki blasts. The ki blasts don’t seem to be very effective.

Then, Magetta’s mouth opens to reveal his reservoir of molten magma. He begins to retaliate against Vegeta with a shower of the the molten steel. It seems that the lava is beginning to overwhelm Vegeta’s attack as he gets pushed close to the aerial boundary of the fighting stage. Finally, Vegeta moves out of the way and begins to find another place above the stage from which to attack.

Piccolo notes that the aerial boundary is distracting Vegeta.

Just as Magetta’s attack begins to envelope him, Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan. This not only neutralizes Magetta’s attack, but throws him back to the edge of the fighting platform. Then, something strange begins to happen.

As Dragon Ball Super Episode 35 ends, Vegeta is sweating and struggling to breathe. It appears that Magetta is causing the small space of the aerial barrier to get very hot.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 35?

Dragon Ball Super Episode 35 introduces us to the Universe 6 Warriors, Hit the Legendary Assassin & Auta magetta.