Dragon Ball Super Episode 33 Summary | “Behold, Universe 6! This Is The Super Saiyan? Son Goku!”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 33 Title

Behold, Universe 6! This Is The Super Saiyan? Son Goku!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 33 Original Air Date

Japan: February 28, 2016

United States: September 16, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 33 Highlights
  • Goku and Botamo begin their match
  • Goku’s attacks have no effect on Botamo
  • Goku resorts to a Judo throw to eject Botamo from the fighting stage
  • The second match is between Goku and Frost
  • Frost’s attacks are easily handled by Goku until Goku mysteriously becomes disoriented and is kicked from the fighting stage
Dragon Ball Super Episode 33 Summary

On the last episode of Dragon Ball Super, the Gods of Destruction Martial Arts Tournament had just begun, with Goku about to face off against the giant humanoid bear, Botamo.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 33 picks up where the last episode left off, with Botamo and Goku just about to begin their match.

The two are facing one another, and Botamo begins to lightly bounce up and down to loosen up. Goku compliments Botamo on his light footwork. They continue to study each other’s movements, and then Botamo begins to bounce more rapidly and launches high above the fighting stage. Then, Botamo comes crashing down in an attempt to crush Goku, but Goku evades. Botamo tries his technique several more times, and Goku is able to evade until Botamo finally catches him off guard.

Botamo crashes into Goku and almost sends him out of bounds, but Goku is able to recover at the very edge of the fighting stage. Botamo doesn’t even finish Goku off – he looks on confidently and gestures to Goku to give him another try.

Up in the spectator seats, we see Champa gloating that, just as he had theorized, Goku is not a very capable warrior. The young Saiyan warrior from Universe 6 looks on and wonders if being from two different universes could account for a huge gap in fighting capability.

Back on teh fighting stage, Botamo tells Goku that Champa mentioned the Universe 7 warriors were nothing to worry about, but that Goku is even weaker than he expected. Goku tells Botamo it is because he ate too much, and begins to perform some calisthenics to help the food digest. Botamo tells Goku he will help him digest, and begins shooting ki blasts from his mouth. Goku dodges and bounces around the fight floor until he is warmed up. Then, he teleports behind Botamo and fires off a Kamehameha blast. Beerus screams in delight, “It’s over!”, but…

Botamo is completely unaffected. He stands before Goku with some very light wear and tear, but has a grin on his face. He gestures a challenge to Goku, and Goku leaps forward with a punch to Botamo’s stomach. Botamo’s body appears to absorb all of the force of Goku’s blow. Goku unleashes a flurry of subsequent blows, but it seems that the force is somehow being perfectly absorbed and expelled by Botamo’s body.

Botamo begins to take steps forward towards Goku, continuing to casually absorb Goku’s punches. Having become frustrated, Goku squats down and lifts Botamo by the leg to flip him over. Now, Goku turns around and takes one of Botamo’s legs with each arm, and drags him to the edge of the ring. Goku realizes that Botamo is so durable, he slacked off on training altogether. Goku casually uses a judo throw to eject Botamo from the fighting stage, and wins the match.

Champa screams at Goku from the stands, accusing him of pretending to be weak to trick him and Vados. Goku, perplexed, tells Champa he was wearing the weighted training suit when they first met. Champa throws himself on the ground and begins kicking his hands and feet like a crybaby. Vados reminds Champa there are still four more matches, the next of which is the warrior that resembles Frieza, Frost.

Frost rises from his seat and descends to the fighting stage, squaring off with Goku. Frost greets Goku, and Goku remarks on the fact that Frost sounds identical to Frieza. Frost approaches Goku, compliments him on his fight, and extends his hand to shake Goku’s. Then, Frost walks past Goku to address the rest of Universe 7. Frost magnanimously tells them it’s a shame they must be on opposing sides in these circumstances, but that it’s only a match. Frost also requests they watch over the fight in peace. Goku remarks that it’s confusing to hear a version of Frieza that is so nice.

Beerus rings the gong, and the match begins.

Almost immediately, Frost flies forward and traps Goku’s head between his legs, flipping and twisting Goku before smashing him into the stage. Frost claims the attack was a “lightweight” style of fighting, but Goku informs Frost he knows it was just a test of strength. Goku also tells Frost he knows about Frost’s ability to transform. Frost is completely floored by this revelation, and Goku tells him he fought someone very similar in Universe 7.

Goku tells Frost to just transform in his final form. Frost complies, and transforms in what appears to be Frieza’s third, but not final, form. Goku tells Frost that Frieza’s final form was a bit different. Fans familiar with Dragon Ball Z will note that Goku didn’t actually see Frieza until he had already assumed his final form.

Frost attacks Goku head on, and assaults him with a barrage of punches.

The Tournament Announcer’s ear piece begins to ring, and he gets some information about Frost’s form. Apparently, this appearance is known as the “Raid Form”. Frost uses this form the most often when leading Peacekeeping Forces in Universe 6. We also find out that Frost has won the Universal Peace Prize three times. Even Champa is impressed by how good of a guy Frost appears to be. Spectators on Universe 7’s side are similarly impressed, with Krillin expressing he doesn’t even know who to support now.

Frost continues his assault on Goku. Goku is thrown to the floor of the fighting stage, and Frost launches a volley of beam attacks at Goku. When the smoke clears, we see Goku is a little dirty, but otherwise fine. Goku tells Frost he’s in gear now. Frost is surprised that Goku is not at full power yet. Unfortunately for Frost, Goku is only in his base form.

Then, Goku says something that surprises Frost further. Goku says he suspects Frost has at least one more transformation. Goku tells Frost he’s not the only one hiding transformations. Goku then powers up to his Super Saiyan form. Champa is very surprised by this development.

Goku demands that Frost also reveal his next form. Frost admits he has one more form, but tells Goku he wasn’t hiding it to save it for later, or anything like Goku had theorized. Frost transforms, and then tells Goku the reason he had concealed it is because the powers of his final form are difficult to control. He cites a particular time that he needlessly killed a villain because he could not control his powers.

Goku commands Frost to fight at his full power. Frost obliges, and charges at Goku. Frost screams that this is his full power, and throws a punch at Goku. Goku catches Frost’s fist easily, and Frost is completely stunned. Goku counterattacks with his free hand, and punches Frost in the face, causing him to be thrown backwards. Frost attacks Goku a second time with similar results. Now Frost is lying on the ground, badly damaged, and remarks on how unbelievable Goku’s power is. Once more, Frost attacks, and Goku responds with a powerful kick to the face.

Frost is on the ropes. Goku asks if this is the limit of Frost’s power, and recommends that he give up. Frost tells Goku that is something he cannot do.

Frost launches yet another assault on Goku, and still cannot land a blow. Then, something strange happens – Frost throws what appears to be a very weak punch, and Goku becomes disoriented and weak in the knees. Frost capitalizes on Goku’s disoriented states, and kicks him from the fighting stage.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 33 ends with Goku reverting to his base form and appearing to be unconscious.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 33?

Dragon Ball Super Episode 33 focuses on the first two matches of the Gods of Destruction Martial Arts Tournament. The first match is between Goku and Botamo. In the second match, we are formally introduced to the Universe 6 counterpart to Frieza, named Frost.