Dragon Ball Super Episode 28 Summary | “The God of Destruction From Universe 6 – His Name Is Champa”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 28 Title

The God of Destruction From Universe 6 – His Name Is Champa

Dragon Ball Super Episode 28 Original Air Date

Japan: January 24, 2016

United States: August 5, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 28 Highlights
  • Vegeta and Goku are back on Beerus’ planet training with extremely heavy training gear
  • Champa and Vados land on Beerus planet
  • It is revealed that Beerus and Champa are twins, while Whis and Vados are brother and sister
  • Champa challenges Beerus to a martial arts match between their respective universes
  • Champa reveals he has been collecting the Super Dragon Balls, and wish will be the prize of the tournament
Dragon Ball Super Episode 28 Summary

On the last episode of Dragon Ball Super, Goku had just achieved victory over Frieza, sending him back to hell.

Dragon Ball Super episode 28 begins with Vegeta & Goku back on Beerus’ planet, training once again. They’re both wearing incredibly thick and heavy training suits, and performing one hand, one thumb vertical push-ups while Whis enjoys a cup of tea. Apparently Goku and Vegeta have just completed about 50,000 repetitions each. They’re both exhausted, and Vegeta is perplexed by the fact that the training suit is more difficult than the gravity training room back at Capsule Corp.

Just as Whis concludes their suit training, a beam of light shoots down and lands on the horizon, resulting in a large explosion. Whis appears to know what it means, and says, “My, don’t they always come unannounced.” The commotion wakes Beerus from his nap, and he is extremely agitated. Beerus is under the impression the noise was created by Goku & Vegeta, and he hurls a small orb of destructive energy at them as punishment, sending them both flying. Then Beerus launches several dozen more.

As Beerus continues launching destructive orbs at Vegeta & Goku, we see two shadowy figures emerge from the forest. It’s Champa and Vados. A few moments later, we see Champa is out of breath just from journeying to Beerus’ main castle. Vados tells him that he’s overweight. Indeed, Champa is quite exasperated from a simple walk.

Finally, Champa and Vados arrive at the front gate of Beerus’ castle. Champa replenishes himself with a massive cup of liquid, and Vados tells him that he should cut back on the sugary drinks. Champa retorts that the walk cancels out the calories, but Vados uses her staff to confirm Champa will also have to skip two more meals for that to be the case.

Champa decides to be cheeky, and is just about to blast the door down to irritate Beerus, when the door explodes before his very eyes. Beerus beats him to destroying the door – he is pursuing Goku & Vegeta, who he is still convinced are responsible for interrupting his nap. Champa yells up to Beerus, and Beerus reflexively spins around and begins firing energy blasts at Champa. Alarmed, Champa screams at Beerus, “What are you doing!?”

Champa screams again, this time so loud that his voice sends shockwaves in every direction. Finally, he has Beerus’ attention.

Beerus recognizes Champa, but doesn’t seem to enthused to see him.

In the next scene, Beerus and Champa are seated at a long table inside the castle. Vados and Whis stand off to the side while Champa enjoys another massive sweet drink. Vegeta and Goku stand back, still wearing the training suits. Champa notices them and inquires to Beerus as to who they are. Champa asks if they’re students. Whis says sort of, but they’re still “novices who can barely do 50,000 push-ups.”

Vegeta notices Champa looks very similar to Beerus. Goku agrees, but also points out that Champa is fatter.

Goku yells out to Champa, “Hey who are you? Ya’ look like a fat Beerus.” Vados nicely tells Goku not to be rude, but explains that Champa is Beerus’ twin brother. Goku is very taken aback that they’re identical twins, and Vados warns Goku to be careful with what he says to a God of Destruction. Vados also explains that there are multiple universes, and multiple Gods of Destruction. Champa is the God of Destruction for Universe 6, while Beerus is the God of Destruction for Universe 7.

Goku asks Champa if he is stronger than Beerus. Vados says it should be obvious from his physique, implying he is not.

Beerus seems bored, and asks Champa what the purpose of his visit is. Champa tells Beerus he has come to give him a taste of absolute despair. He then tells Vados to reveal what they have brought with them. Vados waves her staff, and a large container materializes upon the dining table.

Vados opens the container, and it appears to be filled with eggs. Champa explains that they aren’t just any eggs – they are the boiled eggs of the newly discovered Don Don bird, and their taste will leave Beerus speechless. It appears there is some sort of rivalry for whose Universe has the tastiest food. Champa distributes the eggs so everyone can have a taste, and Goku exclaims that they are delicious. Champa is thrilled, and says he always knew Universe 6 had tastier food.

Beerus doesn’t respond. He finishes his egg, then instructs Whis to bring out some food from Universe 7. Whis presents Cup Ramen to Champa, and Champa looks immediately perplexed. Champa and Vados each take a big slurp of their Cup Ramen. They’re both shocked by how good it is, but Champa won’t admit it. Internally, we hear Champa try to make sense of how simply adding water to noodles can taste so amazing. Champa demands to know where he got the Cup Ramen from, and Beerus tells him it is from Earth. Champa says Universe 6 must also have an Earth, and commands Vados to find it. Vados takes a look in the orb atop her staff.

While Vados searches for the Universe 6 equivalent of Earth, Whis detects that Vegeta is confused by all of this talk about multiple universes. Whis explains to Vegeta that space is comprised of 12 universes, and Universes 6 and 7 are a pair.

It is also revealed that not only are Beerus and Champa brothers, but Whis and Vados are brother and sister. Whis helps Vados locate the Universe 6 Earth in her staff. When they locate it, it appears to be charred and barren. Whis scans its history, and learns that the inhabitants of the Universe 6 Earth extinguished themselves with a war. Champa is extremely displeased by this, because only Beerus has an Earth that produces such delicious food.

Champa has an idea. He challenges Beerus to a match, and if he wins, they will exchange Earths. Beerus breaks out in laughter at the idea that his overweight, out-of-shape brother thinks he has a chance at victory. Champa becomes angry, and tells Beerus he wasn’t finished explaining his idea yet.

Beerus and Champa levitate onto the dining table, and begin exchanging blows. A ring of destruction energy forms around them and begins to radiate outward. After a few moments, Vados and Whis tell them to stop. The two Gods of Destruction comply, and ask why they stopped the fight. Whis and Vados explain that should two Gods of Destruction fight one another, it would result in the destruction of each of their respective universes.

After having their fight interrupted, Champa finishes explaining his idea. He clarifies that he wasn’t suggesting the martial arts match be between Beerus himself, but rather representatives from each Universe. Champa also reveals he has been collecting Dragon Balls, which he refers to as “Wish Orbs”. Goku says they have their own Dragon Balls, but Champa tells Goku they are inferior to those of Universe 6, which are as big as planets. Champa refers to them as the Super Dragon Balls, and says their wish-granting potential is much greater than the Namekian Dragon Balls.

The only catch is that Champa has only collected 6, and there is one more. Goku and Vegeta tell Beerus and Champa that Bulma could engineer a radar to find the last Super Dragon Ball. Goku pleads with Beerus to accept Champa’s proposition.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 28 ends with Vegeta and Goku agreeing to the match, and Beerus accepting Champa’s challenge.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 28?

Dragon Ball Super Episode 28 serves as our formal introduction to Champa and Vados.