Dragon Ball Super Episode 26 Summary | “A Glint Of Hope Shines Through A Crisis! Time To Fight Back, Son Goku!”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 26 Title

A Glint Of Hope Shines Through A Crisis! Time To Fight Back, Son Goku!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 26 Original Air Date

Japan: January 10, 2016

United States: July 22, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 26 Highlights
  • Goku and Frieza continue their battle, and Frieza gains the upper hand
  • Frieza attempts to kill Goku with a massive energy blast, but Goku survives
  • Goku warns Frieza that the Golden Frieza form has some glaring weaknesses
  • Frieza and Goku continue their battle until finally, Goku’s suspicions are confirmed, and Frieza becomes extremely exasperated
  • Sorbet fires an energy beam through Goku just as the fight is about to end
  • Vegeta steps up to challenge Frieza
Dragon Ball Super Episode 26 Summary

The last episode of Dragon Ball Super ended with Beerus agreeing not to interrupt Frieza’s battle with Goku immediately following Frieza revealing his Golden Frieza transformation.

As Dragon Ball Super episode 26 begins, we see Golden Frieza standing above Goku’s incapacitated body. Goku has taken heavy damage, and despite his Super Saiyan Blue form, Golden Frieza has clearly gained the upper hand. However, Goku isn’t finished  – he gives Frieza a sly smile, and tells him the fight isn’t over yet. Frieza seems surprised and slightly alarmed by this.

Frieza whips his tail at Goku and clenches it around his neck. Frieza levitates into the air holding Goku, and begins striking Goku in his stomach. Beerus and Whis continue to spectate while enjoying their Strawberry Parfait. Beerus acknowledges that Frieza has gotten stronger, but calmly suggests that if they fight together, Vegeta & Goku should still be able to defeat him.

Bulma yells to Vegeta, urging him to fight together with Goku. However, Whis insists that they are not willing to fight together. He even goes so far as to say they would rather lose the battle altogether than cooperate.

Goku sinks his teeth into Frieza’s tail, causing him pain great enough to release his grip. Now Goku is able to execute his counterattack on Frieza. However, Goku’s opportunity to strike back is short lived as Frieza mitigates Goku’s assault by grabbing his elbow. Frieza than unleashes a series of devastating blows on Goku, culminating in a powerful ki blast to Goku’s abdomen at point-blank range, and a tail strike that sends Goku rocketing towards Earth once again.

Goku is incapacitated once again. Vegeta continues to look onward coolly with his arms folded.

Frieza descends, and reminds Goku of why he hates him so deeply. Frieza recounts his humiliation on Planet Namek to Goku. It seems that, in particular, Goku’s act of compassion in which he gave a dismembered Frieza some of his energy was embarrassing to Frieza. “Ever since then, not a day has passed where I didn’t remember by vendetta against you!”, Frieza tells Goku.

Next, Frieza lifts goku high into the sky, and powers up an extremely power ball of ki. He blasts Goku, and tells him with this, the feud will come to an end. The energy blast is meant to be a deathblow. Then, we see something interesting: Frieza appears to be out of breath.

Bulma and Gohan cannot sense Goku, and assume the worst. However, Jaco tells Bulma to look closer. As the smoke clears, we see that Goku is okay somehow. He admits the attack really hurt, but he’s still alive. Frieza is still breathing heavily, and it seems Goku has taken notice of this.

Vegeta yell ups to Goku, “Enough already!” He tells Goku that if he can’t figure out how to end the battle, to just let Vegeta step in. Frieza is taken aback by this, and is still in disbelief that Vegeta stands any chance of defeating him. Vegeta urges Goku to switch places. Goku is extremely apprehensive to let Vegeta get some action. Goku assures Frieza the fight is just getting started.

Goku has become extremely confident that he will win the fight. He suggests that Frieza leaves while he has the upper hand, and then hints that he has detected a glaring weakness in the Golden Frieza form. He asks Frieza if he has realized this weakness yet. Frieza assures Goku that Golden Frieza has no weaknesses. Despite claiming Goku is just lying, Frieza asks Goku to elaborate. Goku doesn’t go into detail, but says the weakness will reveal itself shortly. Frieza tells Goku that he’ll just have to end the fight quickly, in that case. Goku tells him it won’t be so easy, and begins to power up even further. Frieza returns the favor, and fiery golden ki begins to release from his body as he raises his power.

Golden Frieza and Super Saiyan Blue Goku stare each other down, and then a few moments later charge at one another. Despite both raising their power levels, it appears Goku and Frieza are still evenly matched. Then, the tides begin to turn and Frieza gains the upper hand – he is now landing blows on Goku once again.

Now down on the ground, Frieza tries to end the fight with one massive blow to Goku’s forehead. Then, something strange happens. We see Frieza’s fist landed directly on Goku’s forehead, but Goku appears to be unaffected and is now smiling. “Looks like you’re the one who ran outta time first”, Goku tells Frieza. He then grabs Frieza’s wrist, and pushes it away. Then, Goku pulls his fist back, and strikes Frieza with a massive blow to his forehead, sending Frieza hurtling backwards.

Frieza is shocked, but Goku isn’t. As Goku predicted, the weakness in the Golden Frieza form is now showing. Frieza is out of breath, and so exhausted that he can barely stand up. Golden Frieza may be powerful, but he isn’t capable of wielding the form for long without becoming tired.

Frieza looks over to Sorbet and whispers something that we cannot hear.

Goku approaches Frieza and confirms our suspicious – Frieza cannot sustain the Golden Frieza for a long period of time because it drains his stamina quickly. Goku tells Frieza he doesn’t have enough energy left to win. Goku also says that if Frieza had just spent more time getting used to his new evolution before coming to Earth, he would have beaten Goku.

Goku’s lecture makes Frieza extremely angry, and he throws a punch at Goku. It’s completely ineffective, further confirming that Goku’s assessment is accurate.

Goku powers down, and tells Goku there’s no point in fighting further. In the background, we see Sorbet discretely approaching. Goku begins telling Frieza that they can fight again anytime, but before he can finish his thought, a beam of energy pierces Goku from behind. We see Sorbet laughing in the background. Whis laments that Goku has a bad habit of letting his guard down, stating he has criticized Goku for this many times.

As Dragon Ball Super episode 26 comes to an end, Vegeta interrupts Frieza driving his heel into Goku’s chest by firing off a ki blast. Now, Vegeta will have his chance to take down Frieza.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 26?

Dragon Ball Super Episode 26 focuses on the battle between Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Golden Frieza.