Dragon Ball Super Episode 24 Summary | “Clash! Frieza Vs Son Goku. This Is The Result Of My Training!”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 24 Title

Clash! Frieza Vs Son Goku. This Is The Result Of My Training!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 24 Original Air Date

Japan: December 20, 2015

United States: July 8, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 24 Highlights
  • Goku and Frieza exchange first blows
  • Vegeta interrupts their fight by attacking Goku and telling them to stop wasting time
  • Goku reveals his new Super Saiyan Blue God powers
  • Goku demands that Frieza also reveal his true power
Dragon Ball Super Episode 24 Summary

On the last episode of Dragon Ball Super, Frieza had just powered up to his final form. Frieza and Goku were squaring of and moments from engaging in battle.

Dragon Ball Super episode 24 starts off with Frieza descending to the ground, and Goku confidently approaching him. They walk up to one another and stop with just one foot of distance to stare each other down. The rest of the Z Warriors look on in anticipation of what is to follow.

Moments later, Goku and Frieza each throw a punch. They both block and counter each others blows. They have another exchange like this, and the force of their blows causes the ground beneath them to shatter. Now they lock hands to gauge each other strength. Both Frieza and Goku power up and begin to release their ki. The ground beneath them now disintegrates, leaving another crater that they are levitating above. Gohan acknowledges they both have tremendous energy.

We see a quick shot of Dende’s lookout tower. Dende is weeping above Piccolo’s unconscious body, and hopes that Goku & Vegeta are able to defeat Frieza.

Back on the battle field, Goku and Frieza are still locked in battle, trying to overpower one another with brute strength. At their current power levels, they appear to be evenly matched in strength. There is another explosion of energy, and they back off from one another.

Frieza thanks Goku for giving him the motivation he needed to train and become stronger. He also tells Goku there are few things he hates more than putting effort into something, and that it was humiliating to have to do so. Goku tells Frieza to stop talking and fight. Frieza tells Goku he will thank him by killing him.

Frieza suddenly fires off a ki blast at Krillin. Goku is able to teleport in front of it and deflect it. Frieza then begins his assault on Goku, landing several powerful blows and sending Goku flying backwards. Then, Frieza fires off another ki blast, this time in Bulma’s direction. Vegeta teleports in front of it and causes the blast to diffuse into harmless energy.

Frieza sends Goku flying towards Earth. Goku strikes the ground in a massive explosion. In the next moment, he is retaliating and Frieza is charging Goku head first. They head butt one another and are now trying to overpwoer one another using their skulls. Goku commands Frieza not to attack his friends, telling Frieza the fight is between the two of them. Frieza cackles and calls Goku naive. He tells Goku, “There are no rules in taking revenge. That’s how vengeance works.”

Frieza and Goku restart their fight by unleashes two energy blasts on one another. The two blasts clash and cause a large explosion, and then we see Frieza and Goku exchanging blows. Goku tells Frieza that, indeed, hard work pays off. This only serves to anger Frieza, because he interprets it as condescension. Goku takes his pace up a notch, and easily evades every single one of Frieza’s enraged kicks and punches. Then Frieza takes two fingers and tries to take out Goku’s eyes, but Goku easily grabs Frieza’s hand, preventing him from doing so.

Frieza tells Goku he will never be able to revive Piccolo, because his intention is to destroy the Earth and the Dragon Balls following their fight.

The two begin clashing again, this time exchanging hundreds of rapid fire ki blasts. Vegeta interrupts their fight, and without any apparent explanation begins to attack Goku. Tien fears that Vegeta still retains some loyalty to Frieza, and has turned on them in an act of betrayal. Bulma tells Tien not to say such stupid things.

Frieza interrupts their clash by firing off an energy disc. Frieza asks Vegeta if he has decided to come serve him as he did once before. Vegeta closes his eyes and smiles, congratulating Frieza on his return. He then strangely begins to clap for Frieza, and Frieza is flattered by the well wishes, misplaced as they may be. Vegeta keeps clapping, and then Frieza’s delight turns to annoyance as he asks how long Vegeta intends to clap for. Vegeta keeps clapping – apparently Vegeta knows this is extremely annoying to Frieza.

Then, Vegeta’s mood becomes deadly serious. He tells Frieza that he can stop existing, because he is also extremely annoying. Vegeta expresses disgust that Frieza believes a little bit of training makes him equipped to carry out his revenge. Suddenly, Vegeta powers up and tells Goku he’s not there to sit back and watch. He also tells them he will not wait any longer while Frieza and Goku warm up. Frieza tells Vegeta to get lost. Goku warns Vegeta that Frieza has become ridiculously strong.

Vegeta tells Frieza and Goku he will wait just a bit longer. Just a bit. Goku tells Frieza he thought he would be able to win in his base form, but that appears not to be the case. Goku asks Frieza if he is still hiding some of his power. Frieza chuckles and says he suspects Goku is, too.

They agree not to hide their power any longer, but Goku warns Frieza that he may no longer want to fight after seeing Goku’s new power. An eery calm washes over Goku, and we see some of his yellow Super Saiyan ki begin to envelope his body. But what happens next is completely new – a massive & brilliant blue light envelopes Goku, and for the first time, we see the fruits of Goku’s training with Whis. He is giving off a blue aura, and his hair is blue, as well. Goku has reached a new level of Super Saiyan God, exceeding even the level he attained when fighting Beerus.

Frieza tells Goku he is still just a Super Saiyan. Goku corrects Frieza and says it’s a bit different than that. He tells Frieza he is a Super Saiyan God, who has also gone Super Saiyan.

Dragon Ball Super episode 24 ends with Goku demanding that Frieza reveal the results of his training, as well.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 24?

Dragon Ball Super episode 24 revolves around Goku and Frieza engaging in their first battle since the events on Planet Namek.