Dragon Ball Super Episode 18 Summary | “I’m Here, Too! Training Begins on Beerus’ Planet!”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 18 Title

I’m Here, Too! Training Begins on Beerus’ Planet!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 18 Original Air Date

Japan: November 8, 2015

United States: May 13, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 18 Highlights
  • Goku arrives on Beerus’ planet
  • Vegeta introduces Goku to the daily housekeeping chores Whis has charged him with
  • Goku and Vegeta have their first training session under Whis
  • Whis explains what Vegeta and Goku must do to become stronger
  • Sorbet reveals his plan to resurrect Frieza
  • We are briefly introduced to Champa and Vados
Dragon Ball Super Episode 18 Summary

The last episode of Dragon Ball Super ended with Goku leaving planet Earth to train with Whis.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 18 begins right where the last episode left off. Goku is clinging to Whis as they travel through space many times the speed of light. They’re headed for Beerus’ planet. Goku asks Whis how long it will be before they arrive because he has to pee. Whis seems slightly disgusted and tells Goku it won’t be long. They arrive a few moments later.

Whis lands in front of Vegeta with Goku hidden behind his back. Wasting no time, Goku pops out from behind Whis and reveals himself to Vegeta. Vegeta doesn’t seem too happy about Goku’s presence, but it turns out that Seer Fish had foretold Goku’s arrival.

Vegeta informs Whis that Beerus is still asleep. As a result, Whis says they will just have to eat the sweets Bulma sent for Beerus.

Whis explains that Goku will be training with Vegeta now. Vegeta unenthusiastically admits he figured Goku would show up at some point. Goku assesses Vegeta and can immediately sense that he has become much stronger. He says Vegeta may very well be stronger than he is, and says Vegeta’s energy is completely different than it was back on Earth. Goku asks Vegeta about his recent training methods, and Whis tells Goku that he will see soon enough. Vegeta doesn’t seem eager to share that information. Whis instructs Vegeta to show Goku the ropes while he enjoys the sweets Bulma sent home with him.

In the next scene, we see Vegeta and Goku entering Beerus’ chamber. There is a massive statue of a cobra holding an hourglass in its jaws. There are also levitating bubbles containing smaller hour glasses revolving around the platform on which Beerus sleeps. Vegeta tells Goku to put on an apron, and that they must change Beerus’ bedsheets and blanket without waking him. Vegeta explains that Beerus is extremely grouchy when he wakes up, and waking him could result in death. Right off the bat, Goku yells very loudly and almost wakes Beerus. Vegeta calls Goku a moron.

Goku and Vegeta patiently wait for an opportunity to change the sheets. They’re struck by Beerus several times as he sleeps. Goku is surprised by Beerus’ strength, and Vegeta explains that Beerus can’t hold back while he is asleep. Vegeta sees an opening, and changes the blanket. Goku asks if Vegeta does this training every day, and Vegeta says it’s not training, just housekeeping.

In the next seen, we see Goku and Vegeta out in the fields reaping crops. Vegeta explains that training comes after housekeeping.

Once Goku and Vegeta have completed harvesting the field, Whis appears and says it’s time to begin training. Whis also gives Goku a new training uniform. Goku changes, and now it’s time to begin the training.

The first training exercise is for strength. In front of Goku and Vegeta are two block made out of an unspecified substance – each one contains two slots where the arms are inserted. Goku confidently tries to lift the block, but promptly discovers it is way to heavy for him to lift. Then, Vegeta tries – he also cannot lift the block. Whis reveals that Vegeta’s load is twice that which he is used to, implying that Vegeta is able to lift the block Goku cannot. Goku and Vegeta both manage to barely lift the block a couple of inches off the ground. They’re both extremely exasperated. Shockingly, Whis tells them to do a lap around the planet while carrying the block.

Vegeta says he cannot even move because the block is too heavy. Whis tells him to get moving, warning Goku and Vegeta that the road behind them is quickly vaporizing. Whis tells them if they fail to outpace the disappearing road, they’ll fall into the void below never to return.

Vegeta and Goku are able to begin moving while holding the blocks. After a bit, Whis transports them to Beerus chamber where they are struck by one of Beerus’ energy blasts, knock them both out. Whis is impressed they survived, and says that concludes their training for the day.

Later, we see a discussion between Whis and Seer Fish. Seer Fish expresses concern that perhaps the training is too intense. Seer Fish is concerned that the training might actually kill Vegeta and Goku. Seer Fish asks Whis why he can’t just let Goku and Vegeta become Super Saiyans to train. Whis explains that would be pointless. He says that relatively speaking, Goku and Vegeta’s current power levels are tiny trees if compared to Beerus’ castle. Whis explains that Vegeta and Goku must increase their power level before they become Super Saiyan. Whis also explains that Goku and Vegeta must also realize this, because Whis never actually told them they cannot become Super Saiyans. Seer Fish says ultimately it’s none of his business, but please just try not to kill them. Whis is surprised that Seer Fish seems concerned for Goku and Vegeta, but then also concedes it’s mainly because he’s been getting more treats since they’ve been present.

Above, we see Vegeta performing some secret training with the heavy block, resolving never to lose to Goku.

At the next day’s training, Whis tells Goku and Vegeta that training will be different today. Whis explains that Goku and Vegeta will be fighting him. Goku and Vegeta seem surprised, but Whis says he doubts they could beat him even if they attacked together.

Goku and Vegeta immediately launch into an attack, and Whis effortlessly dodges every single punch that is thrown. Whis barely appears to be moving, and smiles the entire time. Then he tells them to stop, and says they “completely lack speed”. Whis explains this is because Goku and Vegeta think before they act, especially Vegeta. Whis tells the duo they must teach every part of their bodies to respond on their own. Whis also tells them it’s not an easy task, and that not even Beerus has mastered the skill.

Goku asks Whis if he has mastered the skill of self-movement. Whis says, “Of course”. Goku then points out that Whis is standing in poo. Whis laughs and says his shoes cannot respond on their own.

Out in the depths of space, we get a glimpse of a familiar looking ship. It’s Frieza’s ship, and inside it is currently being piloted by Sorbet. The crew is discussing the resurrection of Frieza. The ship is suddenly thrown off course by a familiar beam of light.

Then, we get a look at a couple of new and yet familiar looking characters. One looks like a pudgier version of Beerus – his name is Champa. The other looks like Whis, except female – her name is Vados.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 18 concludes with Champa and Vados destroying a planet, and then vanishing.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 18?

Dragon Ball Super Episode 18 primarily revolves around Goku, Vegeta, and Whis. We also get our first look at Sorbet on Frieza’s ship. Lastly, we receive a brief introduction to Champa and Vados.