Dragon Ball Super Episode 17 Summary | “Pan Is Born! And Goku Goes On A Training Trip?!”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 17 Title

Pan Is Born! And Goku Goes On A Training Trip?!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 17 Original Air Date

Japan: November 1, 2015

United States: May 6, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 17 Highlights
  • Goku discovers that Vegeta has been training under Whis for 6 months
  • Goku pleads with Bulma to help him contact Whis
  • Whis agrees to train Goku
  • Chichi tries and fails to stop Goku from training with Whis
  • Goku leaves Earth with Whis to go train
Dragon Ball Super Episode 17 Summary

On the last episode of Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta had just finished successfully convincing Whis to train him. Vegeta and Whis had just departed for Whis’ and Beerus’ castle.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 17 begins with us getting our first look at Gohan and Videl’s daughter, Pan, who has just been born. Mr. Satan, who is now a proud grandpa, is seen lovingly interact with his new granddaughter. Gohan gets home from a business conference, and he is looking very reformed and professional. However, it is revealed that he still wears his watch that transforms him into The Great Saiyaman. He uses the watch to transform, and then playfully spars with Mr. Satan while he holds Pan. It’s all in good fun. As Videl implies, this appears to be a regular occurrence.

Chichi walks in, and promptly puts an end to the fun. She reprimands Gohan and Mr. Satan for putting Pan in danger and exposing her to combat. Chichi says Pan will grow up to be a kind, gently lady. Mr. Satan interjects and says Pan will grow up to be a martial artist who will inherit his legacy. Chichi firmly says no.

We then see Bulma sitting in her car discussing getting a haircut. Two bank robbers whiz by on a levitating scooter and flip over Bulma’s vehicle while being pursued by a police officer. After realizing what has happened, Bulma powers up her car and pursues the two robbers. She catches up and maneuvers into them, causing them to drive off the road and into a tree. The police officer reveals himself to be Krillin. Krillin, despite knowing Bulma very well, admonishes her for reckless driving and issues her a ticket.

Back at Gohan’s house, it is revealed that Chichi has holed herself up in the house library with Videl and Pan. She hopes this will give Mr. Satan and Gohan time to think about their earlier actions. Bulma offers to go talk to Chichi if Krilling will rescind the speeding ticket. He reluctantly agrees.

Bulma begins discussing Pan’s upbringing with Chichi and Videl. She expresses that Vegeta hasn’t changed all that much since Trunks was born, and asks Videl how she feels. Videl says she wants Pan to grow up the way she wants, whether that means as a martial artist or as a scholar. Bulma then reveals that Vegeta left to train with Whis six months earlier. Goku overhears this and bursts through the wall in shock, grabbing Bulma by the shoulders and asking her to confirm he had heard her correctly. Bulma confirms Goku’s fear.

In the next scene, Goku is seen repairing the wall he had just destroyed. Goku asks Bulma when Whis will return to Earth, but she isn’t sure. Goku pleads with Bulma to contact Whis somehow so he can train, too, but Chichi doesn’t approve. Krillin discretely reminds Goku that if he can sense Whis’ energy, he can just use Instant Transmission to travel to Whis’ location. Unfortunately, Goku cannot sense Whis’ energy.

Next, we see a montage of scenes in which Goku repeatedly checks in on Bulma to see if Whis is around. Finally, Bulma gives Goku a phone and tells him she will give him a call if she hears from Whis. Now Goku impatiently obsesses over the phone, waiting to receive a call from Bulma. Finally, he does. Goku promptly changes into his trademark orange gi and flies to meet Bulma and Whis. Goku tells Whis he has heard of Vegeta’s training, and begs Whis to let him join Vegeta. Whis, with very little hesitation, says ‘certainly’. It seems as though Whis has been thinking the same thing. Goku is ready to begin training immediately, but Whis tells him lunch with Bulma comes first.

Two seconds into lunch, Goku is already asking Whis if he’s finished yet. Whis calmly responds that they have not even started yet. Goku walks away.

Another few seconds later, just as Whis is about to dip some meat into his broth, Goku appears again and asks once again if Whis is finished eating lunch. Whis tells Goku again that they have not even began lunch yet. Goku asks Whis to hurry up. Then Goku asks Whis again if he’s finished. In a rare display of annoyance, Whis tells Goku he will never be able to eat lunch at this rate. Bulma warns Goku if he doesn’t knock it off, Whis won’t like him anymore. This grabs Goku’s attention, obviously out of fear he will lose the opportunity to train.

Once Whis has finished lunch, he informs Goku that his impatience is a problem, and that he is considering forgoing training this time around to teach Goku a lesson. Before Goku can even respond, he hears a familiar angry voice in the distance. It’s Chichi – it appears she has gotten word that Goku is trying to go train with Whis.

Gohan believes it will be good for the Earth if Goku broadens his abilities, but Chichi isn’t budging. Whis tells Bulma he’s leaving – Goku hears this and breaks free from Chichi and runs towards Whis. Just as Whis teleports from Earth, Goku lunges and wraps his arms around Whis’ waist. Despite Chichi’s protests, Goku will be going home with Whis to train after all.

As soon as Goku has gone, Chichi’s anger relents as she realizes he’ll be back as soon as he is hungry. Chichi turns to Bulma and starts asking about the next surprise party.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 17 concludes with Whis traveling back to his planet, and Goku holding on tightly for the ride.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 17?

In Dragon Ball Super Episode 17, we are introduced to Gohan & Videl’s daughter, Pan, for the first time. Otherwise, the episode revolves around Goku and Whis.