Dragon Ball Super Episode 16 Summary | “Vegeta Becomes an Apprentice?! Winning Whis Over!”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 16 Title

Vegeta Becomes An Apprentice?! Winning Whis Over!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 16 Original Air Date

Japan: October 25, 2015

United States: April 28, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 16 Highlights
  • Krillin and Goku reminisce about their training as children under Master Roshi
  • Whis reveals he is Beerus’ teacher
  • Vegeta tries to win Whis over for training using food
  • Ultimately, Cup Ramen convinces Whis to agree to train Vegeta
Dragon Ball Super Episode 16 Plot Summary

On the last episode of Dragon Ball Super, Goku was left sitting outside of his house, afraid to go inside out of fear of Chichi.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 16 begins with Kibito Kai and Old Kai discussing the planets that were destroyed by Beerus. Kibito Kai is asking Old Kai why there is no trace of the destroyed planets. Old Kai seems distracted, then Kibito Kai realizes Old Kai is not paying attention at all. Rather, he is gazing off into space. Kibito Kai thinks he is peeping on a woman as Master Roshi would, but it turns out it was just a couple of Rhinoceros Beetles. Apparently, Old Kai really likes watching a good fight… even if between beetles.

We then see Goku back on planet Earth, “working”. In reality, Goku is taking a nap while his tractor spins out of control in the field. Clearly, Goku is meant to fight, not to farm. Just then, Krillin shows up to say hello. Krillin and Goku have a conversation about Goku’s soon-to-be-born grandchild, and Goku laments that Chichi has gotten even stricter than when Gohan was a child.

Goku asks Krillin for a favor. Goku wants Krillin to mind the tractor for a while so he can train a bit. He cannot stop thinking about getting stronger than Beerus. Krillin points out how much stronger Goku is than him these days, and begins to reminisce about the past. There is a montage of memorable training scenes all the way back from Dragon Ball, when Krillin and Goku were children training under Master Roshi.

Longing for the old days, Krillin tells Goku he wants him to give him a punch in the face. Goku warns Krillin that the punch will really, really hurt. Krillin is unfazed and demands that Goku punch him. Goku obliges Krillin and just about puts his fist through Krillin’s skull, and Krillin goes flying backwards for miles. Goku uses Instant Transmission to teleport into Krillin’s path to save him – but appears a little too far to the left. Indeed, there is an unimaginable strength difference between Goku and Krillin compared to when they were children.

Back at home, we see Krillin and Android 18 nursing Krillin’s swollen eye. Goku is still out in the field, contemplating that he must become stronger still. He then begins to power up to begin his training.

Somewhere else, Vegeta is training. Sweat is pouring down Vegeta’s face as he raises his power level and transforms into a Super Saiyan. He contemplates and concludes that his Super Saiyan powers will not be enough to surpass Goku, and that he will figure out his own path to achieve Super Saiyan God abilities.

We then see that Whis and Bulma are sitting down to a tempura lunch together. It turns out that they’ve stayed in touch after all, in part due to Whis’ love for the food of Earth. Whis is as impressed as ever with how tasty his lunch is. Bulma affirms several times that she and Whis are friends, and asks Whis to confirm that if Beerus were to return to destroy the Earth, that he would ensure Bulma and Trunks are spared. Whis says, “We’ll see, we’ll see.”

Following lunch, Bulma and Whis meet Vegeta back at Capsule Corp. Vegeta has just returned from his training session, and is full of dirt and sweat. Vegeta spots Whis and becomes frozen with shock. Vegeta asks Whis what he is doing on Earth, and Whis gives Vegeta the simple explanation that he was having lunch with Bulma. Apparently, this isn’t the first time, as Bulma implies. Vegeta is clearly surprised by this revelation. Vegeta demands to know where Beerus is, and wants Whis to take him there.

Bulma pulls Vegeta aside to tell him to knock it off. Whis and Bulma depart for dessert – Vegeta is watching Whis walk away when he realizes that Whis is not simply Beerus caretaker. Whis stops and reveals that he is actually Beerus’ teacher. This is shocking to Vegeta and Bulma, as they realize this means Whis is likely much more powerful than even Beerus. Whis all but confirms this to be the case. Whis has some parting words for Vegeta – he tells Vegeta that though he has been able to raise his power through training, it will never be enough to beat Beerus. However, Whis tells Vegeta that if he can learn to control his energy, then he will be able to surpass Goku.

Just as Whis begins walking away again, Vegeta jumps in front of him and asks Whis to teach him to control his energy. Vegeta even kneels before Whis in an effort to win him over. “Please, let me train under you”,  Vegeta asks. Whis says yes… if Vegeta becomes a God of Destruction.

Vegeta then pulls out his trump card – he offers to feed Whis “the best food on Earth” in exchange for training. This piques Whis’ interest, and Vegeta showcases a series of restaurants for Whis. To Vegeta’s chagrin, it appears Bulma has already taken Whis to all of these restaurants, however.

Vegeta then offers to cook for Whis. Unfortunately, it turns out that he’s a terrible chef.

Vegeta asks Whis to list all of the types of food Bulma has let him try. He discovers that Bulma hasn’t treated Whis to the best food of all – Cup Ramen. Whis takes a bite, and lights up – he absolutely loves it.

This was enough to win Whis over. In the next scene, we see Whis transporting Vegeta back to Beerus’ planet to train.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 16?

Dragon Ball Super episode 16 primarily revolves around Vegeta, Bulma, and Whis as Vegeta attempts to receive training from Whis.