Dragon Ball Super Episode 120 Summary | “The Perfect Survival Tactic! Universe 3’s Menacing Assassin!!”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 120 Title

The Perfect Survival Tactic! Universe 3’s Menacing Assassin!!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 120 Original Air Date

Japan: December 16.2017

United States:

Dragon Ball Super Episode 120 Highlights
  • Mosco commands Dr. Paparoni to begin his Universe 3 assault
  • Each of the robotic warriors goes on the offensive
  • Viara is eliminated by Android 17 and Android 18
  • Gohan easily overwhelms the other three robot warriors
  • Feeling desperate, Dr. Paparoni commands the three remaining robots to merge into Koichiarator
  • The episode ends with Dr. Paparoni’s staff radiating white light, and initiating what he calls the most secret technique of Universe 3
Dragon Ball Super Episode 120 Plot Summary

On the last episode of Dragon Ball Super, Universe 4 had just been erased after a fierce battle with three invisible (or difficult to detect) warriors. Universe 3 had jumped into the fray, ready to confront the remaining warriors from Universe 7.

As Dragon Ball Super Episode 120 begins, the Omni Kings point out that the number of warriors has dwindled, and the Grand Priest assures them that this is when the real thrill of the Tournament of Power will begin. We then see Universe 3’s God of Destruction, Mosco, communicating with Paparoni that now is the time to strike. Just then, Paparoni springs into action at the command of his God of Destruction, exclaiming to the other warriors of Universe 3 to assemble.

In an instant, the robotic warriors of Universe 3 begin their assault. First, Panchia charges Goku, sending him flying through the stone cliff behind him. The next robotic warrior, Bollarator, swings his club-like appendages at Vegeta and Gohan, who are able to evade the attack. As Android 17 and Android 18 look on, another robot warrior, Viara, springs a sneak attack on them by bursting through the wall behind them. The Androids are able to escape harm’s way and return fire with energy blasts. When the smoke clears, the robot is unscathed. Upon seeing this, the Androids realize they’ll have to be more serious, and begin a joint assault with a flurry of blows.

Panchia continues his assault on Goku by rising into the sky and using his propulsion system to launch himself. One of the robots now instructs Panchia and Bollarator to become more synchronized, and attack with coordinated attacks. Gohan intervenes and tells Vegeta and Goku he will handle this fight on his own. Piccolo and Tien theorize this is to enable Vegeta and Goku to save their stamina, and Gohan confirms this as he looks on at his opponents. Gohan is now in his mystic form, radiating great amounts of ki.

After a few moments of sizing each other up, Panchia and Gohan rush one another. They exchange blows and then Panchia begins shooting energy blasts at Gohan.

Next up is Bolla, whose attacks Gohan is easily able to evade. Gohan grabs Bolla’s appendage mid-attack and spins him around effortlessly and then throws him through the air. Gohan follows up with a flurry of energy blasts.

We then see Android 17 and 18 continuing their assault on Viara. Viara’s defensive capabilities are astounding as he continues to just take fire from Android 17 and 18 as a part of his stamina-draining defensive strategy. However, after a period of time he can stand no more, and his armor begins to crack. His armor eventually shatters to pieces and he detonates. Android 18 kicks his unanimated machine body from the stage. Little did Viara and his team know that Android 17 and Android 18, because they have unlimited stamina, were not the best targets for a strategy based on wearing out an opponent.

Back in the stands, Universe 3’s God of Destruction, Mosco, states it is time to use Plan X.

Gohan, looking on at the remaining Universe 3 warriors, tells them that the end has come. From up above, Paparoni fires an energy blast at Gohan and laughs, telling him it isĀ not the end. Paparoni screams, Plan X, programming phase. Suddenly, the three remaining robots launch into the air in a triangle formation. Their bodies begin transforming and they assemble into a single robotic warrior. Paparoni tells Gohan the new warrior’s name is Koichiarator. Now the real fight begins.

Koichiarator begins his attack on Gohan, and Gohan is able to jump back and unleash a barrage of blasts. Koichiarator is completely unharmed. Gohan and Koichiarator begin fighting head on, but it becomes apparent that their strength levels are more equal than Gohan would hope. Goku and Vegeta intervene and strike Koichiarator with a coordinated attack, which sends him airborne. Goku tells Gohan that he thought it was time to intervene. Gohan agrees that it is time to fight together. Goku and Vegeta go Super Saiyan Blue, and Gohan goes full power in his Mystic form. The three of them attack Koichiarator simultaneously and push him back.

Goku and Vegeta fire their Kamehameha and Gallick Gun attacks, respectively, and Koichiarator fires back. Their energy blasts are pushing back Koichiarator until Paparoni tells him to push back the Saiyans. Then, out of nowhere, we see Gohan high in the air powering up a Kamehameha blast, and it becomes apparent that Goku and Vegeta were buying time for Gohan to power up. Gohan fires the blast and, unbelievably, Koichiarator catches it and is able to resist it’s power. Gohan continues to put everything he has into the blast, and Koichiarator continues to push back. What we see is reminiscent of Gohan’s final confrontation with cell as he continues to put everything he has into his Kamehameha, until finally Koichiarator can take no more and loses his grip. Koichiarator is overwhelmed and goes flying backwards, taking Paparoni with him. Back in the stands, we see that even Beerus is impressed, having gained some respect for Gohan by no longer referring to him as “kid”.

However, the fight with Universe 3 is not over yet. It appears that Paparoni has one more trick up his sleeve. He lifts his staff in the air, and the orb on the end begins to radiate light. As Dragon Ball Super Episode 120 ends, Paparoni says he will now show the Universe 7 warriors the final, most powerful secret technique of Universe 3.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 120?

Dragon Ball Super Episode 120 primarily revolves around Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan engaged in combat with the warriors of Universe 3. Dr. Paparoni, Viara, Bolla, Bollarator, and Panchia make their first significant offensive effort. Eventually, three of the robots merge to create Koichiarator.