Dragon Ball Super Episode 10 Summary | “Unleash It, Goku! The Power of the Super Saiyan God!!”

Dragon Ball Super Episode 10 Title

Unleash It, Goku! The Power of the Super Saiyan God!!

Dragon Ball Super Episode 10 Original Air Date

Japan: September 13, 2015

United States: March 11, 2017

Dragon Ball Super Episode 10 Highlights
  • Goku and Beerus begin to battle
  • Goku is still getting acclimated to his Super Saiyan God powers
  • After some time, Beerus declares that the real Battle of the Gods will now commence
Dragon Ball Super Episode 10 Plot Summary

On the last episode of Dragon Ball Super, the Z Fighters had just successfully completed the Super Saiyan God ritual, and Goku had taken on a younger, leaner, red-haired, red-eyed form.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 10 begins with Beerus looking on approvingly at Goku’s new Super Saiyan God form. Beerus wastes no time, and almost immediately steps forward and tells Goku, “Let us begin.” Beerus and Goku fly upward into the sky, high above the cruise ship.

The rest of the group stares upward with looks of astonishment. Gohan points out that he cannot sense Goku’s energy at all. Whis interjects and explains that normal human beings cannot sense the energy created by a god. Whis also confirms that Goku is now, indeed, a god. He questions whether or not Goku has the same level of power as Beerus, but says that nonetheless, he is a deity. Vegeta seems unsettled by this.

Back on North Kai’s planet, we see King Kai running around with unabashed excitement that Goku has become a Super Saiyan God. Suddenly, lightning comes out of the sky, and we hear Old Kai tell King Kai that he has caused a predicament. Old Kai is concerned that if Beerus gets serious during the fight, the entire Universe could be destroyed. King Kai says that even if Goku has become a Super Saiyan God, he doubts that Beerus will go all out.

Back on Earth, Beerus tells Goku to show him the power of a Super Saiyan God. Goku readies himself, and then whizzes past Beerus. Goku realizes it will take some time to get used to his new capabilities, and is extremely surprised at how much he has changed. Goku then decides it is time to try out a Kamehameha.

Goku powers up a Kamehameha and launches it at Beerus, who vanishes out of the way at the last moment. Beerus tells Goku, “Not bad.”

Goku tells Beerus that they should continue, and that if Goku wins, Beerus needs to cancel his plans to destroy the Earth. Beerus willingly agrees, but cautious Goku that there is nobody in the Universe stronger than he is, and that Goku’s wager is that of a fool.

Goku throws several punches and a kick. Even with his newfound abilities and strength, Beerus is still effortlessly able to stop his blows with just a single hand. Goku continues his assault, but even Piccolo can see that Beerus is still very dominant in the battle.

Beerus begins to return some light blows to Goku, striking him in the face several times. Goku turns around and takes off in the opposite direction. Beerus pursues him, and easily catches up. Within seconds, Beerus is right alongside Goku in flight, giving him an impish grin. Then, Beerus strikes Goku several times, and sends him whizzing into the ocean. Goku quickly recovers and goes back on the attack. His attacks are still easily blocked by Beerus.

Beerus and Goku take off even further into the sky where they continue their battle. Now Beerus is on the attack, and it seems that Goku is starting to block some of his punches. Goku tells Beerus that he’s starting to be able to see the punches coming. Beerus is caught off guard by this, and tells Goku he will put that claim to the test. Beerus throws a huge haymaker punch, and Goku catches his fist. Then, while Beerus is telling Goku he’s “not bad”, Goku strikes Beerus in the face and lands his first punch, sending Beerus flying backwards.

Beerus recovers, and now sends an energy orb hurtling towards Goku. Goku catches the orb, but is now being pushed back by the energy. After some effort, Goku finally gains control of the energy and sends the orb flying off into the horizon, where it detonates.

Now Goku powers up even further, and flame-like red energy begins radiating from his body. Again, Goku attacks Beerus. Beerus continues to catch Goku’s punches until he is finally caught in the face with a right hand. Beerus retaliates with a punch, but Goku quickly evades behind Beerus and puts him in a headlock, then flicks Beerus in the head. The flick is payback for the one he received from Beerus during their previous battle.

Beerus is both irritated and amused. Dragon Ball Super Episode 10 concludes with Beerus declaring that now the true Battle of the Gods will begin.

Who Are The Key Characters In Dragon Ball Super Episode 10?

Dragon Ball Super Episode 10 primarily involves Beerus and Goku being engaged in battle.